Top 3 Things You Will Need in 2015


While others are busy making New Year’s resolutions, make sure you are busy preparing yourself for a profitable and productive 2015 with these 3 things.


There have been so many things to transpire in 2014.  Yesterday marked a year from my injury that required me to have intense surgery.  It has been quite an interesting year.  This year came with its fair share of challenges and opportunities.  Overall, I feel very blessed to have made it through 2014.

I am looking forward to a prosperous 2015 and pray the same for you.  If you are going to enjoy a prosperous year, you will need these top 3 things in 2015.

#3 Optimism


Open-mindedness is a great attribute to have when you are looking to move forward in life.  It is always easier to focus on the negative versus focusing on the positive.

When I look back on every monumental event in my life that moved me forward in a positive directions, I could have focused on the negative and missed out on the opportunities at that time.

If you are going to make 2015 your year, you will need to see the positive over the negative in all situations.  I have discovered that we must plan and prepare for the negative, but true prosperity happens when we are able to focus on the positive versus the negative.

What do you need to be more optimistic about in 2015?  It is your time to shine.  Be positive, open your mind, and move your life forward.

#2 Perspective


If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you understand a lot about perspective.  Without your eye assistance, it makes it very hard to see.  Perspective is being able to see things from another point of view.

Perspective is a cousin to optimism.  Optimism is primarily focused on your individual viewpoint, but perspective is being able to see life through someone else’s eyes.  Successful people and organizations are great at seeing life through their followers / customers eyes.  Consider your favorite restaurant, retail store, or grocery store.  One of the reasons why that business is your favorite is because they have great perspective.  They understand their customers.  They understand you.

What do you need better perspective with in your life?  You may need to see life through the eyes of your spouse, child, friend, employee, employer, customer, etc.  Make 2015 a great year by having better perspective.

#1 Change


The number one thing you need in 2015 is CHANGE.

“Change cannot take place if we are focused on the same.”


Regardless if 2014 was a great year or not for you, there are some changes you can make.  Don’t be afraid to change.  Opportunity is usually outside of our comfort zones, so step out on faith and change.  Any successful person or organization became successful because of their willingness to take risk.

What needs changing in your life?  Does your attitude need tweaking?  Maybe you need new sources of inspiration.  Whatever it is, start now.  If you are afraid of change, start small.

Make 2015 a successful year; take a risk and change.


Question: How do you plan to make these top 3 three things work for you in 2015? Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
MTN Universal, LLC
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