It is such a wonderful time to be alive and have the ability to help and serve others.  Have you ever thought about the legacy you are leaving behind?  If you died tomorrow, what would be said about you?  Would people say a kind word about you?  Would people say you served?  Would people say that you gave of your time?  Would people say you were dependable and could count on you?  Or would people say that you were all about you?  How will you leave this Earth? 

Most of the people that come to mind when talking about leaving behind a legacy are all people who cared about others.  Leaving behind a legacy is about putting others first.  One way to do this is to PUSH someone other than you.  The word PUSH could be interchangeably used with the word encourage.  All of us need a little encouragement.  American newspaper columnist George Matthew Adams said, “Encouragement is oxygen to the soul.  Good work can never be expected from worker without encouragement.”

In other words, we all need a PUSH.  Some people need more than others, but we all need encouragement.  It may be gentle and kind word.  It may be asking the right questions to help your team members think and be creative.  It may be that you need to inspire confidence.  Whatever way you choose to encouragement and push those around, just remember when you needed a PUSH and how someone encouraged you.  You may be doing the encouraging right now, but at some point we all will need a PUSH. 

There is a reason why eagles PUSH their young out of the nest at the right time.  With tremendous fear, these creatures push their young out of the nest in order for their children to fly.  David McNally explains this in his book called Even Eagles Need A Push.  In this book David said, “The push…sometimes we need it.  Sometimes we need to give it.  It can be the greatest gift you ever give.  It will change a life forever.”

Whether it is you children or one of your team members, don’t allow anyone around you settle for being stagnate in any part of their life.  Help them discover the joy their life desperately needs.  Patiently PUSH them.  Actively PUSH them.  PUSH them with love.  But whatever you do, PUSH them.

On a side note, I have to discourage you from giving your children or any other person around you any and everything they want.  The end result can be damaging.  Everything worth anything takes time to obtain.  

Let me leave you with this thought, giving or receiving a PUSH is priceless.  American author, salesman, and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said, “You never know when one kind act, or one word of encouragement, can change a life forever.”

How can you PUSH and encourage a person to elevate their skills and talents to leave behind a legacy?   Please leave a comment below, send me a tweet on Twitter, or leave a comment on Facebook.

Simply Jackie