Defining Your Motivation and Diagnosing Your Challenges


There are some things that will never change in life.  Just as the sun rises on the East and sets of the West, there are certain aspects of our lives that will never change.  We are all driven by something, but also there is something that challenges us.

I’m motivated by opportunities of moving forward in life, but the challenge with moving forward is it requires stepping outside of my comfort zone.

What motivates you?  What are your challenges?

In today’s blog, we will discuss what motivates you and the challenges you will face.  After reading this blog, you should be able to differentiate between the two and discover ways of moving your life forward.

Defining Your Motivation


How would you define motivation?

Motivation is a strong, powerful reason to act, behave, or accomplish anything.

What moves you?  What are your desires?  What do you want really, really, really bad?

Defining your motivation is the key to getting what you want out of life.  Once you determine what motivates you, you will spend less time with things that don’t motivate you and more time with those things that do motivate you.

One determining factor with choosing a career should include selecting a career that you are passion about.  My father and mother would always say these words to me as a child,

“Do something you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”


I hope these words will settle in your heart, but know there will be challenges.

Diagnosing Your Challenges


I have been working in the healthcare industry for almost 10 years now.  One critical part of any healthcare experience is diagnosing the actual injury or issue.

What do you think happens if a patient is diagnosed incorrectly?

It leads to a host of problems.  Problems such as continued sickness/injury, wasted money, doubt, etc.

Whether it is diagnosing an injury / sickness or diagnosing your challenges, it is important to diagnose these correctly.  If you diagnose your challenge incorrectly, it can lead to a multitude of complications.  Complications such as wasted money, purposeless living, lower confidence, reduced achievements, etc.

Just as everyone has their own individual motivations, the same is so with challenges.

When you are able to correctly diagnose your challenges, you will realize that you will be better at defining of your motivation.

Putting It All Together


After you have defined your motivation and diagnosed your challenges, now it’s time to move towards treatment.  We will stick with the healthcare illustration.  When we speak of treatment, we start to think about the nature of the treatment.

Defining motivation and diagnosing challenges helps us to decide whether we need to be more conservative or progressive with our treatment.

You may ask the question, “What are we treating?”

Your treatment is your action steps to success.  When you put it all together, it is all about putting actions steps together to move towards success.

Just remember, you cannot come up with a conservative or progressive treatment plan for success without first defining your motivation and diagnosing your challenges.

So set aside about five to ten minutes after reading this blog to define your motivation and diagnose your challenges.  Write these things down and discover what’s assisting and limiting your success.


Question: What motivates and challenges you?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,
Bryant Hall
MTN Universal, LLC
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