Did you know that one of the greatest assets of great leaders is their ability to think forward?

In the last year, I have been on a mission to interview high capacity visionaries.  I have learned many lessons from interviewing these wonderful people.  You will hear more about these amazing people in the future.  Today I want to share with you what I believe is the key to sharpening your vision.

There are some qualities that all great leaders have such as being a hard worker, having a willingness to learn, etc.  But one of the greatest qualities of a leader is being a visionary.

How is your vision?

Vision is the ability to see forward as a leader.  It is not being a psychic.  Being a visionary leader is thinking about or planning for the future.  Let me share three ways to help you sharpen your vision.

1.    Practice Consistent Meditation.

Famous Australian Actor Hugh Jackman said, “Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness.  It’s like the ultimate rest.  It’s better than the best sleep you’ve ever had.  It’s a quieting of the mind.  It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings.  It keeps life fresh.”

If you have ever been able to get total and complete silence in your life, you understand Hugh Jackman’s words.  There is nothing like taking a little time to get peace and quiet.  Meditation is like rebooting a computer.  Just as computers update and improve in function when they are rebooted, mediation rejuvenates your life giving you more passion with all your aspirations.

2.    Practice Consistent Focus.

Focus is concentrating or giving attention to one thing.  How many times have you been seriously focused on one thing?  It is quite easy to get distracted these days in an era saturated with multi-tasking and balancing multiple projects.  I talk about this in Why Focus Is Critical To Your Success.  

American motivational speaker, writer, and consultant Denis Waitley said, “Don’t dwell on what went wrong.  Instead, focus on what to do next.  Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.”  What are your goals and aspirations?  Are you focusing on achieving these goals?

3.    Practice Consistent Learning.

The greatest influential leaders are visionaries because they learn from past mistakes and accomplishments.  Their experience along with their mediation and focus gives insight that will launch their personal and professional lives into a entirely different stratosphere than others.

Learning is the key component to being at your best.  Whether you win or lose, learning gives you valuable experience to develop yourself and others around you.  Without constant learning, it will be a challenge to see forward as a leader.

How is your vision?  If you are having a hard time envisioning success in your life, maybe it’s time for you to stop, meditate, and focus on what matters most.  

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