In the blog post, Slow Down and Live Life, we talked about taking the time to slow down and reflect and observe and enjoy every moment.  Let’s talk about full circle moments.  

What are full circle moments?  It’s that moment when something finally clicks or you get a revelation, an answered prayer, or something just works itself out. In order to recognize these moments and make any necessary changes or improvements, we have to slow down and take the time to reflect daily on our lives and the happenings of each day.

For example:

  1. Looking back on your years in college and your career path and the milestones along the way.
  2. The growth of a relative or friend and how you have added value and influence to others’ lives to help them along in their journey.
  3. As older parents; when you observe, your family congregate and all is well with each member and peace and harmony abide within every heart in the room. There is no bitterness or jealousy of any member of the family. Only full encouragement and joy for each other.

When I think about the circle of life; I often reflect on this life journey and circumstances that I have witnessed or have yet to witness come into full bloom.  To see and know a full circle moment requires hope that everything is going to turn out for the best. It takes time and energy to remain focused to work toward a goal. We cannot take these moments for granted!  The older you are, the more you learn to appreciate full circle moments. 

Whatever you do:

  1. Don’t give up! Hold on and hold out even if a task or goal has been a struggle.
  2. Keep dreaming big!  Hold onto your hope, your push, your drive, your motivation, your why.
  3. Revise or revamp your goal.
  4. Look at every day as a chance to refresh and restart. A clean slate.
  5. Embrace everything you have learned and grown to be.
  6. Realize everything will work out and everything happens for a reason.

Cherish the full circle moments like it is your very last opportunity to make a transformation in the lives of others.

“No matter the deviation, all things come full circle. You begin and end your journey in the same place, but with a different set of eyes.”  ~Jennifer DeLucy

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Simply Jackie

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