Everyone knows someone, but the question is do you know the right people?

What are you looking for out of life?  You get what you want out of life by having the right people in your life.  And you cannot get to the right people unless you connect with enough people.

On my way to work a few weeks ago, I stopped by a coffee shop to grab drink and a breakfast muffin.  Walking towards the coffee shop cashier counter I saw a friend sitting with a group of guys.  I first addressed my friend, but at some point during our conversation we all were engaged in a great conversation.  I started off only knowing one of the men at the table, but left knowing everyone.  Here are three takeaways from this encounter and many others I have had.

1.    Engage people.  It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget that life is all about connecting with people.  A person only limits his or her success when there is an absence of the ability to engage people.  No matter how amazing an individual’s skillset may be, maximizing your potential starts with engaging people.

2.    Encourage people.  There is enough pessimism in our world.  For every word of encouragement, there will be nine words of discouragement.  Everyone wants to receive encouragement because it is hope.  Being a person of hope will increase you opportunity to connect with others beyond your capabilities.  If you are the person pushing hope and encouragement, you will find yourself in rare company and connecting with the right people.

3.    Enrich people.  Everyone wants to grow and develop his or her abilities.  One of the greatest things a person can do for anyone else is add value to their life.  A connection is immediately created when a person shares insights or wisdom with another person.  This connection is possible because of the power of enrichment. 

Life is all about connections.  And connections are all about building relationships that lead to partnerships.  These relationships will lead to ideas, skills, margin, resources, and experiences beyond your capabilities.  Through our connections, weaknesses will become strengths, blind spots will become clearer, ignorance will transform into knowledge, and any scarcity will turn into abundance.

What connections do you need to make in order to step into your significance and success?  Please leave a comment below, send me a tweet on Twitter, or leave a comment on Facebook.


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