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“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” - Oprah Winfrey

Believe it or not, everyday there is always a reason to celebrate as a leader.  A wonderful trait of great leaders is their ability to celebrate life.

How common is it to hear people complaining about life?  Just listen to the people around you.  Are they celebrating life or complaining about life?

Great leaders don’t waste time complaining because it only drains you of your energy, passion, or purpose.  There is nothing worse than living without energy, passion, or purpose.

Some weeks will be easier than others to celebrate depending on your situations.  I did not say it would be easy to celebrate everyday because it does take focus and disciple, but you have to discover something to celebrate daily.  You will be sharing your perspective.  Perspective drives a leader.  With proper perspective, days start to look brighter.  You will start to discover more energy, passion, and purpose in your life.

This week has been “super easy” for me to celebrate.  My wife and I had the privilege of celebrating our 13th year wedding anniversary.  Thirteen years ago, I married the greatest woman in the world.  I praise God for her and the unconditional love we share with each other.  I celebrate our wonderful journey and I pray that we will have many more celebrations together.

What are you celebrating?  For me, this week is more of a reason to celebrate than most, but I challenge you to daily find something to celebrate as a leader.  You may want to celebrate something as simple as your nourishment or the air you breathe.  You may be celebrating something as significant a God, your family, your health, etc.  Whatever it is, celebrate it.

The more you celebrate different things in your life, the less time you will have to complain.  The less you complain, the more time you will have to enjoy the blessings of God.  So instead of complaining about life, celebrate it!

Please share what you are celebrating with us by leaving a comment below, sending me a tweet on Twitter, or by leaving a comment on Facebook.

Peace and Prosperity,

Bryant Hall, Sr.

CEO & President of MTN Universal, LLC

Coach, Speaker, Trainer of the John Maxwell Team

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