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8 Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Life

We frequently hear three words when we discuss appreciating life.

“Life is short.”


I know this is a common phrase, but it is true.

My family and I just lost a loved one to a senseless murder.  No matter your age, life is precious.  While our family mourns this loss, please keep us in your prayers especially his wife and children.

Anytime death touches us, it makes us think twice about how we are living life.  I want to leave you with a few thoughtful tips to help us all make the most out of life.

Tip #1 - Put God first.  You never know when it will be your time to go.  Life is just a preparation period before meeting our Maker.  Do not waste that time.  Make the best of your preparation period.

Tip #2 - Know that you are not alone.  We were created to develop and nourish the various relationships in our lives.  Seek strength from those family and friends in your life to help you during the good and bad times.  Life can be a challenge, but a support system will assist you during any phase of your life.

Tip #3 - Appreciate every moment.  Take time to enjoy every moment of life.

Tip #4 - Show your love.  Many times we use the words, “I love you.”  But do we really mean it?  Love is an action word.  Take it a step further and show that love.  It may be a hug, kiss, phone call, text, card, a kind word, etc.

Tip #5 - Live without regrets.  Do those things that you have always wanted to do.

Tip #6 - Be grateful for what is in front of you.  We all have been guilty of wanting more out of life, but what about the things in front of us?  Be grateful for the people and things you do have, instead of focusing on the what you don’t have.

Tip #7 - Be true to yourself.  Everyone has a special gift to contribute to our world.  You are unique because of your individuality.  God created you that way.  You have a special gift.  So be yourself because everyone else is taken.

Tip #8 - Do not chase “stuff.”  Human life and strength of character are a big deal.  People may make a big deal out of money, fame, cars, jobs, college degrees, houses, etc.  At the end of the day, those things are just “stuff.”

Join me in extending sympathy to all those families who have lost loved ones due to sudden, tragic deaths.


Question: What other tips could we use to make the most out of life?  Leave your comments below.

With Sincerity,
Bryant Hall
MTN Universal, LLC
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