If you had the ability to make something happen right now that would make your life extremely successful, what would it be?

What is stopping you from reaching your life’s success? No one can stop your success, but you. Why? We all have different goals and life expectations. Your definition of success will probably be quite different than mine. We may have a few similar ideas of what success looks like, but the truth of the matter is we all have different visualizations of success.

When I am consulting with my clients, their visions of success are all quite different. Take for an example two of my clients. One of my clients is on the verge of a multi-million dollar business deal, while another client is at the front end of scaling his business.

Both clients have varying visions of what success is at this point in their careers. One client already has a stable and quite successful working structure, but now he is looking to capitalize from the great foundation. The other client is attempting to build a stable and successful structure to build his business.

There are similarities and distinctions regarding their success, but both clients success is dependent on their individual willingness to stretch themselves to grow and develop as business owners.

You may not be a business owner, but what is keeping you from being successful?

I was listening to a TED talk by Larry Smith about Why You Will Fail To Have A Great Career. He mentioned great reasons why we fail to live the best life we can live.

I want to summarize some of what he said, but also add a few points of my own. These are reasons why many people cannot visualize or experience success.

1. Choosing doubt over belief. It is hard to see any form of success when doubt is in the picture. Doubt chips away at any confidence you may have within you limiting the ability to visualize or believe any success is possible.

2. Choosing normal over different. When was the last time you remembered a normal meal from a restaurant? Now tell me the last meal you had that was awesome. I think it is safe to say we will always remember those things that stand out. There is nothing wrong with being normal, but normal will not help you visualize success.

3. Choosing good over great. Would you rather hear the words “good job” or “great job?” There is a difference. To visualize and experience success, you will have to move pass doing a good job to doing a great job. Being good is a comfortable route that could possibly lead to success, but being great will challenge every part of your being and will inevitably lead you to success.

4. Choosing interest over passion. Following an interest is quite different than pursuing your passion. An interest is more or less a hobby. Passion is having enthusiasm and excitement with whatever you are doing. You will be able to visualize your success by doing those things, which will intensely convict you.

5. Choosing excuses over action. It is obvious that excuses will not help you with visualizing your success. Making excuses is a lousy way of justifying lack of action.

Visualizing your success is important to living a successful life. Success all starts with seeing it before it actually happens. Choose wisely, live without regrets, and give life to yourself and others around you.

Peace and Prosperity,

Bryant Hall

MTN Universal, LLC

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